Stop Smoking Vienna

It´s not about Quitting... It´s about LETTING GO

Letting Go of Smoking

with Ease...

(No Suffering Included)

Experience the Transformation Within a 2 Hour Conversation

Welcome to the sanctuary of profound change where letting go of smoking becomes an exquisite art form.

Are You Ready to Quit Smoking for Good?

A Lifetime of Freedom Awaits. If you're weary of the relentless battle against withdrawal symptoms, the ceaseless grip of anxiety, or the prospect of weight gain when seeking to overcome the smoking problem, then you've arrived at the right place.

My meticulously crafted 2-Hour Changework Session is your key to breaking free from the clutches of smoking, without the torment of withdrawal...

and I stand by my promise with a 1 Year Service Guarantee.

Why Choose My Stop-Smoking Changework Session?

- No Withdrawal Symptoms: Say goodbye to the irritability, the mood swings, cravings, and discomfort associated with quitting smoking. The Changework Session makes it a breeze.   

- No Weight Gain: Worried about gaining weight after quitting? Don't be. Our program ensures a smooth transition without the extra pounds.

- No Anxiety: Break free from the stress and anxiety often experienced during the quitting process. I will help you find your peace.  Remember... you are not quitting smoking... youʼre LETTING GO OF SMOKING. Huge difference.

1 Year Service Guarantee

My approach is so successful in helping people to quit smoking that I am confident enough to offer a ONE YEAR GUARANTEE to all my stop smoking clients which entitles you to ONE FREE BACKUP SESSION in the unlikely event you should need it in the first year.

Your success is my top priority.


Why Don’t I Offer A Money-Back Guarantee?

I believe that a money-back guarantee creates an unconscious battle between the parts of the mind.  Providing a money-back guarantee is almost like offering you to get paid to relapse.

Too Good to be True?

When You Understand How It Works, It All Makes Perfect Sense.

At first glance, our 2-Hour Changework Session might seem too good to be true, promising an effortless journey to becoming a non-smoker. However, the magic happens when you grasp the inner workings of this transformative process.

By engaging in a deep and profound conversation with your three key minds – the Conscious, Unconscious, and Subconscious – we unveil the logical foundation underpinning the Changework Session. When you understand how these integral components of your psyche align towards the common goal of a smoke-free life, it all falls into place, making perfect sense. The secret to our success lies in harmonizing these facets, ensuring that there's no internal conflict when it comes to letting go of smoking.

Your desire to let go aligns with your habituated behavior and your self-identity, creating a seamless path towards a life free from smoking.

It's not too good to be true; it's the power of understanding and harnessing your own mind for lasting change.

Want to know how it works?

Keep Scrolling...

Harnessing the Power of Conversation

The 2-Hour Changework Session is a transformative process built upon the cornerstone of conversation and effective communication.

It delves deep into the intricacies of your mind, facilitating a dialogue between the three distinct components that drive your thoughts and behaviors: the Conscious Mind, the Unconscious Mind, and the Subconscious Mind.

By orchestrating this unique dialogue, we embark on a journey of harmonizing these vital aspects of your psyche, setting them on a unified course towards a life and identity free from the shackles of smoking.

The Three Minds Unveiled

The Conscious Mind:

The Rational Decision Maker

The Conscious Mind, the captain of your cognitive ship, is responsible for rational decision-making.

It's the part of your mind that weighs the pros and cons, considering the long-term consequences of smoking.

Itʼs that part of your mind that constantly reminds you that you have to stop smoking.

During the Changework Session, we engage this facet to help you acknowledge the logical reasons for quitting and reinforce your commitment by breaking certain beliefs and ways of thinking that keep you stuck as a smoker.

The Unconscious Mind:

The Habitual Navigator

The Unconscious Mind, the silent yet powerful conductor of your daily rituals and habits, is deeply entrenched in your smoking problem. It thrives on patterns and routines, often responsible for the overwhelming cravings that smokers experience.

Itʼs the part of your mind that constantly reminds you to smoke.

During our Changework Session, I will guide your Unconscious Mind to let go of its attachment to smoking and of the constant reminding to smoke... paving the way for a smooth transition to a smoke free life.

The Subconscious Mind:

The Repository of Beliefs and Identity

The Subconscious Mind is where your core beliefs and self-identity reside. It shapes how you perceive yourself, including any associations and triggers with being a smoker.

During our Changework Session, we address the Subconscious Mind to redefine your identity, forging a new sense of self as a non-smoker.

Achieving Unison:

The Key to Effortless Change

The Power of Alignment...


The magic of the 2-Hour Changework Session lies in achieving alignment among these three vital components of your mind. When all three are in sync, there is no room for internal conflict regarding smoking... or any other problem.

Your Conscious Mind, driven by logic and long-term benefits, harmonizes with the Unconscious Mind, liberating it from habitual smoking triggers. Simultaneously, the Subconscious Mind is reprogrammed to embrace a new identity as a non-smoker, ensuring that change is not only attainable but natural and effortless.

In essence, this powerful Changework Session harmonizes your entire cognitive landscape, forging an unbreakable alliance among the three minds. This synergy creates the ideal environment for you to become a non-smoker, where the desire for smoking fades into the background, and the path to a smoke-free life becomes the new norm.

What are you?...

Some kind of Hypnotist?

Yes, indeed, I am a professional Hypnotist, Hypnotherapist, and Hypnosis Trainer. For nearly two decades, I've been dedicated to helping people transform their lives and embrace positive change.

My journey in the world of hypnosis and its profound impact on human behavior began back in 2004. Since then, I've honed my skills and shared my expertise with individuals and professionals around the globe.

My passion for helping people is unwavering, and my mission is to guide you through a transformative experience that leads to lasting change.

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is just the ability to communicate directly and effectively with your Conscious Mind, Unconscious Mind and Subconscious Mind.

Hypnotherapy is just getting all three parts of the mind "on the same page" or to agree to one thing... in this case, to let go of smoking... because as you may know by now... smoking is bad for you :)

Donʼt worry, you wonʼt be asleep nor unconscious. You WILL remember everything after the session and I wonʼt make you cluck like a chicken (I charge extra for that).

But it will be a very interesting and profound experience.

FAQ - So letʼs get this straight...

How can I make an appointment?

Making an appointment with me is a straightforward process designed to ensure we are the perfect fit for your unique journey to a smoke-free life.

We begin with a complimentary 20-minute Zoom call, an invaluable opportunity to explore if my expertise aligns with your goals and expectations.

During this call, I will provide you with an in-depth explanation of how my 2-Hour Changework Session works and address any questions or concerns you may have.

It's a moment to connect, share insights, and determine if we are ready to embark on this transformative journey together.

If, at the conclusion of our Zoom call, both you and I are enthusiastic about working together, we can proceed to the next step, ensuring your path to becoming a non-smoker is as smooth as possible. Your commitment to a smoke-free life is my top priority, and this initial Zoom call is the first step toward that inspiring journey.

How much does the 2-Hour Changework Session cost?

390 €

Includes a One Year Service Guarantee

  • Let go of smoking in 2 hours time
  • No anxiety
  • No weight gain
  • No withdrawal symptoms
  • No cravings
  • Reduce the risk of major disease
  • Save thousands of euros every year
  • Add years to your life
  • Breath better
  • Smell better
  • Feel better
Program your free Zoom call here

Do you really need more reasons to schedule the free Zoom call? 

Here are a few more...

  • Handle stress better
  • Hypnosis is completely safe and natural
  • Restore your energy
  • Be more attractive to romantic partners
  • Smell the world around you better
  • Set less accidental fires
  • Relax more easily
  • Hypnosis doesn’t have any side effects 
  • Experience comfort with zero withdrawal
  • Boost your self esteem
  • Improve your physical experience
  • Enjoy a healthier heart and lungs
  • Get your loved ones off your back
  • Eliminate the shame of smoking
  • Not freeze your ass off in the winter
  • Have more room in your pockets
  • You won’t have to replace it other bad habits
  • Maintain your weight easily
  • Reduce the risk of major disease
  • Exercise more comfortably
  • Not have to “plan ahead” when traveling
  • Reduce the risk to other with second-hand smoke
  • Not hack up a lung in the morning 



Program your free Zoom call here

Donʼt tell me you need more reasons...

Just because itʼs you I will offer a few more reasons... but you have to promise (pinky swear) that after reading 50 more reasons to let go of smoking you will schedule the free Zoom call.


Here they go...

1. Improved overall health
2. Reduced risk of cancer
3. Decreased risk of heart disease
4. Better lung function
5. Improved sense of taste and smell
6. Increased energy levels
7. Enhanced physical fitness
8. Improved circulation
9. Lower risk of stroke
10. Better skin health
11. Reduced risk of gum disease
12. Enhanced fertility
13. Lower risk of erectile dysfunction
14. Improved immune system function
15. Increased life expectancy
16. Reduced risk of respiratory infections
17. Improved sense of well-being
18. Lower risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
19. Improved oral hygiene
20. Decreased risk of diabetes
21. Better mental health
22. Reduced risk of cataracts
23. Lower risk of osteoporosis
24. Decreased risk of rheumatoid arthritis
25. Enhanced sense of self-control
26. Improved sleep quality
27. Better breath and no more bad breath
28. Reduced risk of complications after surgery
29. Lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease
30. Improved sense of self-esteem
31. Lower risk of macular degeneration
32. No more stained teeth and fingers
33. Better smelling hair and clothes
34. Reduced risk of bladder cancer
35. Lower risk of kidney cancer
36. Financial savings from not buying cigarettes
37. Improved taste in food
38. Reduced risk of throat cancer
39. Better smelling home and car
40. Enhanced sense of smell and taste
41. No more exposure to harmful chemicals in cigarettes
42. Lower risk of stomach ulcers
43. Improved ability to exercise and be active
44. Reduced risk of ear infections
45. Better relationships with non-smokers
46. Reduced risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) for pregnant women
47. Lower risk of preterm birth for pregnant women
48. Improved social life and dating prospects
49. Lower risk of asthma in children of non-smoking parents
50. Setting a positive example for others 

Program your free Zoom call here